Friday, August 21, 2009

The Correct Answer Is... (& a whole list of excuses)

Y E L L O W S T O N E !!!
We had a great time, and I have a whole bunch of pictures to share, I know I'm being really slow lately, but I will get to them.
I also have a new ultrasound picture of our still nameless baby girl to share.
Which just reminds me of all my excuses for being a blog slacker lately!
  • My scanner hasn't worked for months. I don't know why. I haven't even told Tony about it to see if he can fix it. It's probably something simple, but there's so much going on it doesn't cross my mind until I actually want to use it! So I've been taking pictures of the ultrasounds to post them.
  • Both of my lenses are broken for my camera. One completely, the other still functions just not so great. Yep, the completely broken one is the one I just had fixed. Sad. So, you know, I don't post much with out pictures.
  • Oh! Let's not forget, Photobucket sucks! How do you guys upload your pictures? I think I need a new idea.
  • I'm starting my work at home business, which required me setting up my own business, lot's of paperwork and studying like crazy to pass a test. This is what my time has been filled with. I'm excited for this! I can't wait to see how it all works out! It's medical claims billing and my test is MONDAY. Wish me luck!
  • UMM, and how about the house selling stuff? Yea, that's a big one too. Lot's of paperwork, lot's of cleaning & packing. For the last month or so I have kept the house ready to be seen at the drop of a hat, dishes done, laundry done & put away, toys cleaned up immediately, girls ready to go, shoes in the diaper bag so we can just walk out the door. I've actually enjoyed living this way for the most part, it's nice having everything orderly, a lot of work, but less stressful.
  • Then there's the trips. We've had Scout Camp, Cabin Trips, Evanston Trip, Youth Conference, Girl's Camp, & Yellowstone. Love the get aways!
  • & the 18 month old is C R A Z Y!

Hopefully, that will buy me a little more time! :)

That's what's going on here. Summer's always busy for everyone so I don't feel too bad about a little slacking. :) What's everyone else been up to?


  1. I am glad you were able to squeeze some travel time in there! Emmory must be in the same phase as Tayvie, because she is CRAZY too! Plus being preggers just makes you more tired. We are naming our little girl Amelia. And we are packing and getting ready to move to so I know EXACTLY how you are feeling these days... Keep going!

  2. Yellowstone looked amazing. Did you sell your house? Good luck with the new business and test!

  3. Thank you for the invite. I can't wait to catch up. =) I know we already do on FB, but this is a little more personal.


  4. Missed you-Glad you are back! I almost called you the other day to hang out! We were bored but we were puppy sitting so I didn't know if we were welcome anywhere but here! Then I read your comment about the puppies that night! I should have called you-they could have played with the puppy! Oh, and my girls, of course! We just stayed home and stayed bored! Bummer!
