Tuesday, January 5, 2010

That Wasn't Working Either...

Ayla needs to be prepared for everything- she is not spontaneous in most situations. I hadn't thought ahead enough to realize that the first week of December she would start going into Sharing Time. So that first Sunday in December when her Primary Leader came to take her and two of her little friends to Sharing Time, she went and seemed to be fine until they had the new little Sunbeams stand in front of everyone while they sang The Welcome Song to them. She didn't like that and ran straight for the door and back to Nursery!
So through out the following weeks, we talked about going to Primary and her new teacher, and she did fine and seemed to like Primary.
This Sunday was her first week as a real Sunbeam and no nursery. When she came home she couldn't stop talking about her new teacher, her little class room, how her teacher brought chalk so they could draw on the board, and how they talked about a princess, but as the story went on she told me that she left Sharing Time again and went back to Nursery, then she says "and that wasn't working either, so they took me to Daddy's class." (I thought her wording there was hillarious- must have been exactly what the Nursery Leader said). I asked why that wasn't working and she said "Because I was tickling Tayvie while she was saying the prayer."
Oh my goodness! I can't stop laughing about that! And how cute that Tayve was saying the prayer in Nursery!


  1. so cute!! She and Luke really have a lot in common :) very similar personalities it sounds like.

  2. Wow! It sure is a big change for them! I think Lexi did fine... I didn't hear anything from her except that she was sad she didn't have any treats and came home starving!

  3. I can't believe that Ayla is the old to be in Sunbeams! Where does the time go? What a cute sunbeam she makes though!

    Congrats on another gorgeous girl, Lyndlee! I love how you gave all the details of the birth, delivery, and coming up with her name.

    Let me know if you need anything!

  4. So cute! It seems like Ayla was so much older than Alyssa when they were younger but they are both in Sunbeams now! I can't believe how fast kids grow up! So much fun if you let it be!

  5. That is adorable! I love this age and all the cute things they say :)

  6. That is so cute!! Nate and I teach Sunbeams in our ward - they are so much fun! I'm glad she's enjoying it. That is a huge transition!
