Friday, April 27, 2007

If You Need Me I'm In The Backyard

Kind of the before pictures:check out the bakground on this picture and then notice below how much the wood fence cleans up our yard... that and all the other clean up work we've done of course :)There was a chainlink fence all the way around here and thorny, thorny, yucky bushes and vines... not to mention all the bricks, cynderblocks, and stuff we had to dig out all along the whole yard!We pulled out 4 trees in the backyard this year, I think there were 12 when we first moved in. Now we are down to 5... we like trees, but we thought 12 were a bit much for our backyard!The hardest job was to pull out all of the chainlink poles whomever built that fence did NOT want it to come down. This is Ayz in one of the holes.These were some of the vines on the fence that we had to cut down and rip out... We thought pulling the poles out was the biggest job but then when we started ripping these out we both agreed that THIS was the hardest job!
"AFTERS": How exciting! Getting ready for the new fence. We ripped out a bunch of rosebushes and vines and junk back here too and as you can see we ran into another cynderblock wall!
This is the fence infront of all of the neighbors old cars and junk... makes quite the difference eh? (That old shed is not staying there it's only temporary).
This was taken before the whole yard was tilled up and the gardens were put in across the back. So there are even bigger changes than this!

We are addicted to working in our backyard! Seriously addicted! These "before" pictures are actually after alot of work had already been done, and the "after" pictures are not current either we've done a tun of work and made some huge progress since they were taken, I will have to take some current ones and post them for ya, we've put in a garden all the way across the north side of the yard and the back and around where the playhouse will go, and Tony has almost finished rebuilding the whole sprinkler system (including the box). I am so excited to have a working sprinkler system back there last year when we tried to plant grass it took me all day to water the whole yard! We also have been raking and tilling up the whole yard. There is still a tun to do, once the sprinklers are done and the grass is planted the next big project is the deck which will run the whole length of the house. I'm so excited for that! I'm actually excited to build it, I've drawn out the plans to scale and bought magazines about "how to." I think I've got it mostly planned out... I think it will be a really fun project! Okay well thanks for reading my ramblings on about this we are just eating, sleeping, and breathing backyard stuff right now! Ayz has just been covered in dirt constantly cause she likes to help with the digging and then dump the dirt on her head! It's a tun of work but it's been really fun working together and seeing all of our progress!


  1. You have done a ton of work! I can't believe it. I only wish that we weren't so busy with our little projects right now to help you time you build a fence huh? I guess the goal now is to stain it and keep it looking nice year after year (I can always help with that!--Have I ever told you how much I love staining fences? SERIOUSLY?) ;) It looks BEAUTIFUL I can't wait to see it in real person and to have a BBQ back there. Really fun.

  2. Wow!! That looks great! I can't wait to see it! You guys have done so much work- it's going to be so worth it! I hope you guys know that if we lived there we would so be helping you. Congrats on all your hard work! Love yah!
