Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Kitty Sitting

This was so fun for Dellie! We were checking on Jon's cat Turbo while he was out of town. As soon as we walked in the house and saw Turbo, Ayz got right down on her tummy to be at his level. Then she followed him around the house crawling. She was very sweet and soft with him. Turbo didn't know what to think at first, but the second day we went he came right up to her purring and rubbing up against her, so they were buddies! This last picture is Dellie attempting to give Turbo a kiss!


  1. oh fun! I think someone needs a kitty...here kitty kitty

  2. how CUTE!! I love my kitty and my little girl! when can you guys come over again? miss ya!

  3. Your little girl is just absolutely precious!!!
