Monday, July 16, 2007

Get Me Out Of This House!!!

It's been so hot lately, and with me not feeling well, we have been spending a lot of time indoors the past few weeks. Well, Ayz of course has been dying to go outside any chance she gets! This day she found her hat put it on, and put one shoe on (the wrong foot) and headed for the door, then stood there with this coxing look on her sweet little face saying "look mom, I got myself ready to go outside, please open the door!" How do you say no to that? Impossible!


  1. OH I am so glad you are posting again! IT HAS BEEN FOREVER (yeah I have a lot of room to talk right)

    Anway I don't think that is anyway to say no to a girlie dressed as cute as that - and a face that adorable.

  2. I LOVE THAT LITTLE GIRL! I love tiny ones in dress cute. It has been so nice to see you last week and talk to you the last few days...sounds like I need to stop by again...sorry about the horrible phone call today and our abrupt end. KIDS! Ug. Love them to pieces and pieces though. Hope you keep feeling well Miss!

  3. So funny!! I love this girl, and I love you! I had a great time with you yeasterday...I plan on coming over more and more.
    I can't wait for you to be up to shopping and touring places with me, Jon tries, but he just doesnt grasp things like you would!
    Love ya doll!!

  4. I love the outfits that little ones pick! At least she knows she needs to be dressed to go out! It's so hard when you're prego and just want to lay on the couch and the little one doesn't understand. I didn't want Karah to think the baby was making me sick-they are a little protective of their mommies when they are young! Also it's so hot out and it's not too good to be overheated (you or her) and I am sure she doesn't understand that either! Okay, gotta go-Boo just brought up a bucket of water and is "washing" Lyssi by pouring tablespoons of water on her head and arms! (After attempting a poopy diaper change while mommy was out of the room-boy I have my hands full! Guess I should pay closer attention and I'd have less messes!) Bye! ape (feel better soon! Sorry this comment it so long-I tend to babble!)
