Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We Voted & Now We Are Fighting...

...over the sticker! She is so jealous.

I took Ayla and Tayvie with me to vote today and of course they gave me the big red "I Voted" sticker. Ayla wanted one and she keeps asking me for mine. So I told her we would go to Wal-Mart and get her a sticker, she said "a red one?" - no sorry kiddo, a yellow one. She got her sticker- yellow though it may be- and she's happy.

I think the funny part is how attached I am to my red "I Voted" sticker, so attached that I made a trip to Wal-Mart so I wouldn't have to give it up! (I did also need milk).

By the way, look who ended up with the sticker!


  1. That's pretty funny, but I think I would be attached too. We vote by mail so no sticker for us, too bad.

  2. My kids wanted my sticker too! I wouldn't give mine up either. I love your hair Lace...it looks so good on you...the bangs...so cute. Glad you voted too.

  3. That is so funny. Independent girls you have. They are both so dang cute.
