Thursday, April 30, 2009

Job Update

We have a JOB again!!!

I feel like this is such a rollercoaster... we have a job, we don't have a job, we have a job, we don't have a job, we have a job! Hopefully this is where it ends!

We're excited for this. MOOG Aircraft. Yep, Tony worked there up until Ayla was 9 months old, he really wanted to stay there but he was working as a temp and we just couldn't make it any more on that kind of money. So that's when he went to Semitool. He has always intended to go back to MOOG, and now that he has more experience the situation is much better. The people there are his friends, they are all so nice. They really, really wanted him to come back.

It will be nice to have him working somewhere that I know he's comfortable and happy and treated well! Yeay! We're excited!


  1. How exciting! We hope this new job works out well for your family. The crazy roller coasters that life gives us...

  2. So very happy for you guys. I called spencer and had to read your post to him. Glad that it's somewhere he will be more comfortable and happy too.

  3. yay, yay, yay, yay!!!!! I am so very happy for you!!! Way to go Tony, and this time it is going to stick :) no more rollercoaster, I am sure of it! Congrats :)

  4. Yay!! That is such a relief for you.
