Wednesday, March 28, 2007


It's impossible to look at this curious little face and not be completely in love with her!!! I know I'm her mom, but seriously does anything get any more perfect than this? I just watch her and am amazed with every little thing she does!
I love that she knows what she wants... I love watching her thought process... She knows she wants to go outside so she will get me her shoes and go to the door... she knows she wants to take a bath so she'll take me by the finger and lead me to the bathtub... She knows she's hungry so she will do the sign for food... I'm amazed that that little brain can know her tummy's hungry and know how to solve the problem and how to tell me what she wants!
I love this little girl!


  1. Lace she is absolutly adorable, your photography is progressing so far - it's really cool to see.

    Love ya!

  2. She is just gorgeous. I still feel that way about S and all my kids. I'm consistently amazed by them and what they can do and everything about them. I love their personalities and quirks. I love how many different looks they can give and each one has such different meaning.

  3. I understand these feelings very well. I feel them on a daily basis. I think I am in love with the last photo. Very good shot.
