Monday, September 29, 2008

My Acceptance Speech...

Thanks Trina !!! Trina picked my blog as a blog she loves to look at. She is so sweet! It actually surprises me that you all don't get bored of all my pictures of my girls and my family. In reality you probably do but thanks for looking anyway!

Oh my, I think I wanted to choose everyone of you, but I'm going to have to pick my cousin Whitney's blog, because she is hillarious and I love how she expresses her love for and longing to be in Yellowstone in almost every post... girl after my own heart... also she takes beautiful pictures that I love to look at. Check out that header photo- killer diller, she and her tripod took that- amazing! ...but yeah, mostly the Yellowstone thing.

1 comment:

  1. yep i agree!! love whitney's pictures for sure, and all her cute little adventures she goes on. she is a girl with passion about everything
