Alright we've got to jump in the way back machine for these. These were from the first week in August, we wanted to get out of the house for a bit so we went up Butterfield Canyon. We pulled off the side of the road in to a little open space that had the most shallow little stream running through it, just perfect for Ayla to play in. She had a blast throwing rocks in it and getting her feet wet. Then she thought she was so cool climbing the mountain with Daddy! We were walking back to the car when we heard some really loud thudding right near us in the trees then we heard it gallup across the street- it was a deer! If you look closely in this picture below the deer is right in the shadow where there's a little opening, this was after he had crossed the street. You always expect to see deer up Butterfield, we were just surprised to see one that close!
I LOVE THESE. What a beautiful little refreshing. I love that littly Dell. OH MY GOODNESS they are growing too fast aren't they? Loving these photos Lace...can't pick a the ones with great!
I LOVE THESE. What a beautiful little refreshing. I love that littly Dell. OH MY GOODNESS they are growing too fast aren't they? Loving these photos Lace...can't pick a the ones with great!