Monday, August 20, 2007

It's A Baby Now!!!

I had a doctor's appointment a couple weeks ago and these are the ultasound pics. On the machine you could see the baby much better but of course the print offs were really bad, but you get the idea. The first one you can see the baby's arms are crossed, and the second one you can see it's eyes, it's no longer a teddy gram it's a real baby now with arms and legs and everything!


  1. SO excited for baby #2...can't wait to photograph him/her!!! It was SOOOOO good to see you on buy one get one free Arby's day. I have missed you like K A R A Z Z A Y ! You look so good, and it was good to catch you feeling betta! I hope you are continuing to feel better.

  2. "Teddy Gram" LOL!!!! My tummy hurts from laughing out loud so hard!!!!! I love it! I never thought of that before!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!!! I know what you mean though about the pictures! I had some done on that same machine and they turned out the same as yours. I like going into the first room next to the bathroom that has the 3D US machine that he uses!!!! But I will settle for anything I can get!


  3. oh man.. i will miss that teddy gram. better luck next time i suppose!!!
