Monday, October 22, 2007

There's Nothing Better

Look at this sweet face... I'm getting so excited for another one of these sweet little faces! I've been thinking about Tayvie a lot lately, I love to feel her move and kick- that's the coolest thing ever, I miss it when I'm not pregnant. It has been the most fun ever to be Ayla's mom the last 21 months, even with the sleepless nights and the temper-tantrums, not being able to get anything done, etc... this sweet little face out weighs it all. I just love it, I love every stage more and more, and I love every second (even during the tantrums)! I am so thankful to have this little girl with me all the time, she's my little helper and my little buddy, she cracks me up constantly! She's just so fun. I love being her mom, and I'm so excited to be Tayvie's mom, and for Ayla to be a sister.
I love being a mom, there's nothing better!


  1. Lacie - that is exactly how I have been feeling lately, well not pregnant, but so grateful for to be able to be Roman's mom. You are such a great mom, and have such a sweet girl!

  2. You have such a soft heart for us and I wouldn't trade you or her for anything! Love ya sweetie

  3. Wow! What sweet friends I have, btw your checks are all in the mail :)
