Sunday, October 12, 2008

I just love my Wife!

I have the best wife in the world! I can't imagine somebody more perfect than her for me. Lacie is the kindest thoughtful most caring person I know. I love how hard she works from the moment she wakes up. Some may consider her as being "just a homemaker" but she is soo much more! Not only does she strive harder every day to help our sweet girls as they grow and progress, she makes time to help out her friends and family. She is always looking for ways (though they might seem to be difficult for her) to make somebody's life easier and make their day. She is extremely selfless and loving. She has this extraordinary spirit that requires her to never stop. I can't remember a time that she wasn't worried about somebody in her life trying to see how she could help. You have set such an example to me and I have to tell you how grateful I am for you Lace. I love that we can always enjoy eachother. There isn't one thing that I wouldn't want to do without you by my side. Thanks for being the one that I love.



  1. That is the sweetest thing ever!! You guys are both so lucky to have eachother. What a great couple!!

  2. Ohhh that was the sweetest thing!!!!You guys are the perfect match for eachother, I couldn't have picked a better hubby for my sweet BFF. I love you both and I agree 100% everything you said about lac...she is the MOST UNSELFISH, MOST THOUGHFUL person I know. She makes me want to be a better wife, mother and friend. She is THE PERFECT example!!!! Thanks Lacie for being the person you are!!!


  3. Wow! I opened this up and was a little confused! I was like I didn't post this picture! I'm completely surprised! Tony, I had NO IDEA you did this! I can't believe you kept a secret from me!!! This is very sweet. I'm a little embarased, but thank you. Just more proof of how sweet and thoughtful and perfect for me you are! Thanks Hun. I'm calling right now.

  4. oh, adorable! i agree!!! lace is busier than some "working moms" because people think that she has "nothing to do" all day so they pile their stuff on her too. even if it is not convenient for her, she will never turn you away!! your sweet girls are so blessed just because they get time with their mommy, it's truly priceless. thanks for acknowledging her and her hard work!! we all love you lace, and you too tony...lots and lots!

  5. That was such a nice post, you have an awesome hubby. I wanted to let you know that we are blessing Alexa this Sunday at my parents ward, its at 11:00 and the address is 2180 Meadowlark Way. Let your family know, and we would love to see you there!

  6. What a freakin cute husband you have! You two are great!

  7. How sweet is your husband? He definitely wins the award for the day!

  8. wow. That seriously made me cry. Becuase everything about Lacie in there is so true, and I could say the same about you too Tony. Lace, you have taught me many many lessons in life, that I have been slower to come around too, and you have been always constant, and forgiving and self-less. You are one of the most optimistic people, and a HUGE example to me. I hope you know how loved you are by me, and by everyone that gets the privelage to know you.

    LOVE YOU!! Shan

  9. I love this little family more than life. I feel so blessed to have known BOTH of you before you were a couple and to have witnessed this union unfold. You guys are the perfect match in every possible way. I am always amazed by Lacie and her unconditional love of people. I love that I can tell her ANYTHING, I trust her with all of my deepest and darkest secrets and that means the world to me. I would do anything for her...hope she knows that. This post was UBER sweet.
