Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Very Un-Sun-shiney Week.

Last week was what you might call a "bad" week. Nothing really big went wrong, it just seemed like all the little things did. And once something went wrong everything else, that would have normally been fine- wasn't.

The worst thing that happened was I had my friend drive my car and we got pulled over and he got a ticket! (I still feel so bad) This was just icing on the cake, after the day I had already had. Tayvie fell down both flights of stairs that day. Ayla got her spaghetti hands all over my carpet and my couch. I can't even remember all the silly little things. You just know how you have those days that you just have to laugh cause nothing goes right? That's how it was. I realized that most of the silly things that went "wrong" normally happen on a daily basis. And normally don't bother me. I normally just take care of them and move on with my day.

I know it was all just my attitude that made my day "bad." Something that went wrong in the begining of the day I would let set my mood for the rest of the day, making everything else a big deal, and making my day "miserable"! When I actually thought about it all at the end of the day, I realized that maybe I was actually lucky. I was lucky that poor little Tayvie didn't even get as much as a bruise from her falls. I was lucky that the Spaggetti stains came out. I was lucky that we didn't get a worse ticket than we did. Looking back all in all it was actually a fun week.

I'm not usually like this. I think I usually do see the "lucky" side of things instead of the "bad," so I don' t know why I was that way last week? But I was. Maybe I was tired, I missed Tony, maybe I was a bit overwhelmed, but I'm better now, things are good again. Funny how we remember the FUN stuff and not the "bad" stuff.

So this is me wishing us all SUNSHINE and CHOCOLATE for the rest of our week!
BTW this picture was from last week, Ayla was pouting because I told her that her little jaguar couldn't do something and Tayvie came right over with her smiley little face to make Ayla feel better. So cute!


  1. I have so been there Lacie! Thanks for the post- makes me feel more normal!

  2. glad the storm clouds have past! i am always surprised at how you can let things just roll off you "like water on a ducks back". glad we get happy go lucky lace back. (although i doubt any of us really knew you were missing, you fake it well!)

  3. I really hate days like that! It seems like I have them more often than not! :)

  4. I am so sorry about your week! There doesn't always have to be a reason. I can most definatley relate. But you are one of the VERY few who can take a day like that and make it "lucky". That is why you are so stinkin cool. I am secretly(not so secretly now) relieved to know that you are a little human after all:) You are such an example of sunshine and chocolate! I just love you.

  5. I'm sorry you are had such a un-sun-shiney day..week!!! I have so many of those same days lately and I am waiting for my storm to pass by...although you are right it is your attitude and the way at looking at things that make it worse, but and it is hard to have a good attitude when things just continuously happen. I am glad things are better.
    You really do know how to make a bad day good though...you handle things very well. It isn't like me to call when you are down like that and when I do call and your voice is not cheery I know something really bad has happened!!! Glad to have the cheery Lace back!!!!

  6. How cute of Tayvie! This memory will help you get through the teenage years.

  7. I have had days like that too. I like how you turned it around though and thought positive I have a hard time with that.

  8. Chocolate is delish...and aren't you SO thankful that this week was super happy, sunshiney? We were sick the entire week of doom and gloom...so happy to be on the mend. :) Miss you. Play date?
