Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tayvie, Tayvie, Tayvie

Tayvie makes me giggle every time I look at her lately! She is so funny! She is such a little explorer, I love to see her mind work as she watches things. She doesn't ever hold still, she is just go, go, go. She is very determined and very quick. As soon as I put her on the floor she heads straight for the stairs- that's her new favorite conquest right now. She's pretty good too, she can go up them and she can come down a few but she gets distracted and usually turns around so I have to be right with her.
My favorite is when she's crawling somewhere with such a purpose and she'll stop and look up at me with her tilted little head, her sparkling eyes, and that great big sweet toothless grin. Oh! She just kills me! Makes me smile just thinking about that sweet little face.
Watching her you can just tell she loves her newly found freedom so much, now that she can get where ever she wants. She is just so happy.
She wants to do everything Ayla is doing. Ayla and I were playing a game yesterday and Tayvie immediately stopped what she was doing, came over as fast as ever, pushed her way through us and started grabbing the game pieces! She is so funny! She really does just watch everything Ayla does and trys to be a part of it. It's really cute.
She also is a little climber, since she started doing the stairs she thinks she can climb anything. She's always holding on to something and standing up or climbing on me.
These pictures are from her bath this morning. She had so much fun. I barely dared take my hand off of her for a second to snap the pictures cause she was climbing all over!


  1. I hear ya on the climbing all over everything. I'm trying to get Keydran to stand, but he refuses, he'll stager his feet on purpose just so he doesn't have to stand. Tayvie is so cute. Both your girls are adorable.

  2. yep she is too cute!! love how happy she always is! what a good baby she is, you deserved her after ayla for sure!

  3. You always know how to catch great moments. What a cutie!!! They don't stay still for very long, do they? :)

  4. Tayvie is so dang cute! I love the photos. Bath photos are always the cutest I think. Anyway she is growing up so fast.

  5. I love it when babies see themselves in the mirror, its so cute! She is getting so big!
