These are yesterday's ultrasounds.
Unreal how much this little baby has grown in just four weeks! We could see a hand with fingers moving around, feet and legs kicking, it's little chest moving. So I'm about 12.5 weeks... 3 months!
The baby's due date is December 5th, the doctor says it's December 14th, whomever you want to believe on that one.
We are so excited for this little baby!!!
We told Ayla the day before we told our families, she sat and talked to me about it for about 45 minutes. She was so interested! We looked at pictures on the internet of what the baby looks like in my tummy and she couldn't get enough. She immediately INSISTED the baby is a girl and she said she wants to buy her an airplane! You can argue with her all you want but she still INSISTS the baby's a girl, she always says the next one is a brother! The doctor referred to the baby as "it" yesterday and Ayla quickly corrected him by just saying "SHE."
She likes to take care of the baby and me. She tries to share her food with me cause "the baby is hungry." She pretends she can feel the baby kicking. She asks me about the baby all the time and if it's big enough to come out, even though she knows it's not coming until Christmas time. She tells everyone she sees that Mommy's got a baby in her tummy and shares the rest of the information she knows -part of the reason word's spreading :)
I told Tayvie the day I found out. Ayla was the first to know with Tayvie so I thought it was fun that Tayvie was the first to know with this baby. I've tried to get her to say "baby" but she refusses, so the secret was pretty safe with her! I was worried about her coming to the doctor's office with me yesterday cause she's so full of energy and can't sit still, but I was glad she was there, she watched the doctor do the ultrasound and saw the baby on the screen. When we got home she was very interested in the ultrasound pictures and tickled my tummy and talked to it in her high voice like she does her dollies. So I think she might be catching on. Tayvie has always LOVED babies, so I'm excited to watch her as she starts understanding more.
Tony and I couldn't ask for better news!!!