Saturday, May 9, 2009

Just a little spring time rambling

You have to love Spring! It's so nice to be able to get out of the house a little bit, walk around the neighborhood, sit in the backyard, work in the gardens.
Tayvie of course is at the age that she's happy as long as she's outside. She sliced a BIG hole in her little tiny finger yesterday, I wrapped it up good and tried to get the bleeding to stop, she was wimpering and so sad so I took her outside and she snapped right back into her happy little self! Easy as that! Her poor little finger though, it's going to take a while to heal.
Ayla's excited to watch the flowers bloom. She's excited to show everyone that comes over her "blooming flower!" She loves the dandelions, she's so proud of how many we have cause she thinks they're real flowers. She picks them and tells me to put them in my hair. She also brings them to me and shows me how I'm supposed to crush them in my hand "cause that's what the kangaroo does on Horton Hears A Who." Tony's going to kill the dandelions today. Sad for her. Happy for me. Although I'm sure there will still be plenty.
RIP Dandelions!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the springtime too! We'll have to get the kiddies together when my crazy week is over. Looking forward to seeing you again. Also, working on your photos tonight and loving every minute of it!
