Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chocolate Frog Legs?

Awww! One of those moments that makes your heart happy as a mom.

Right at this very moment, Ayla and Tayvie are playing school. They're such little best friends! So dang cute!
Me? I am blogging to avoid the kazillion things I should be doing instead.
Time's up I guess, back to work now.
Ayla's asking me if we can make 'chocolate frog legs.' Any ideas on how to do that?


  1. Seriously, what she just told me! What a little goof!

  2. Mommy, I do know how to do it! You put the choc'late in, and you put the froggy mix in, and then you mix it all together, and then you eat it! And that's how you do it! So let's do it! Vamanos!

  3. wow all the cuteness!!!

    what about making chocolate haystacks with the chinese noodles in the shape of frog legs? other than that I am completly stumped...seriously half the time with Murphy I have no idea what he is talking about and just make it up as i go!

    Love you guys!

  4. Ah, That's very creative, and so sweet. I love your little best friends! So super cute!

  5. ha just like "i can't be her best friend cause she has a sister". she is a nut! more cute pictures like this one please, i'll be needing a lot soon! ~grin~

  6. that really is cute!!! Takes me back to my early charity/kelly days.... girls are so adorable to each other! Try gummy frogs in chocolate :) other gummy things taste good in chocolate :) Oh, I guess that kind of goes against everything you guys have been working on as far as healthy eating huh.... well, leave it to me to think of an unhealthy idea :) I love that you put these posts on here though... so cute.

  7. Is Marci hinting at something? The way she wrote grin was a liiittle suspicious... ;) Cute picture of the girls-so glad they have each other! It melts my heart when sibs are so sweet to each other! Looove it!

  8. So cute, I love it when they play well together.

  9. Mmmm, I will take the chocolate without the frog legs...what fun sisters, they remind me of my two...they were playing school yesterday too!
