Monday, June 15, 2009

You're Welcome Pharmaceudical Companies For My Substantial Contributions

I ran to the pharmacy today to pick up some antibiotics. I have a constant UTI so while I'm with child the good doc insists that I take the antibiotics every day until a month before the baby is due, apparently there is a premature labor risk if I don't. You know how bad I am at taking
m e d i c a t i o n
aparently Doctor Hartman does too cause two weeks ago he left me a personal message saying
"Lacie, take your medicine, find some way to take it."
Funny. So here I am two weeks later actually filling the rx. Nice.
Anyway, I'm telling you this because... well, for no reason really, just cause it's such an adventure to do anything with Tayvie! My pharmacy is at Alberston's cause the pharmacists there are really nice and I think they're funny. So I thought,
'Oh my gosh! Albertson's has those super fun car carts! That will be a blast for the girls!'
So I drop of my rx and the girls are all excited to drive the car around the store. So we do a few laps while we're killing time, and of course they are both loving it, but of course when I park the cart so we can go pick up the rx, Tayvie has a major fit! She keeps trying to run back to the cart until we actually leave the store. She is hillarious how stubborn she is. I remember Ayla being stubborn, but in a different way than Tayvie... I think atleast.

This little story doesn't really do it justice, I was tired by the time we got back in the car and thought, 'Wow! Picking up a rx shouldn't be this hard!'

I totally still thought it was fun to let them drive the car cart and would totally do it again.

Tayvie's just turning into such a little girl. Totally a toddler now. She is so quick- just speedy, and I'm slower than normal. She has no fear really, and she knows exactly what she wants and has a plan she's carrying out at all times. She's so funny. I just love to watch her run around here with a plan in her head!

Also, she's a mess. A cracker, whatever, she can cover her face and her clothes and the floor with whatever you give her. So this is her cheesy face, and it's hard to get a picture of her any more with out her scrunching her cute little face all up and saying "CHEEEEESE."


  1. Shopping with kids is okay if you are moving but once you stop to look at something or think for more than a minute, they freak out! I love when kid's little personalities come out and start developing more-soo cute!

  2. Feeling the same way lately...just had to fork over $140 for swine flu meds...lovely. We also got the car cart...what a life saver!

  3. What a cutie...I love how you always looked at the bright side of little tayvies fit...I just love that about you, you are always looking at the bright side of everything. Wish I was more like that!!! :)
