Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Just wanted to say happy mother's day to all of you wonderful mother's out there! I am so thankful to be a mom! There's nothing I have ever wanted more and there's nothing I would ever trade it for! I love being a mom! It's endless work, it's long nights, it has it's frustraiting times... but even at those moments I am still incredibly thankful for this little girl and that I get to be her mom! The happiness, joy, and amazement in watching her grow and learn new things, and her sweet little spirit far outweigh it all!
I have a wonderful mom, as I teach my little girl and watch her grow I find myself doing things the way my mom did them and wanting to be more like her. She is the most selfless, hard working person I know. My mother-in-law is also a wonderful mom, I am so thankful for the son she raised and know that it is because of her that he is the man I love. I have so many friends who are great moms too! I love watching them interact with their children and seeing the love they have for them. I learn so much from all of you moms. So to all of you mom's in my life: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Julie & Tiffanie I hope you guys know you are included when I say friends... You are great moms too with great kids!

  2. Lace that was so made me cry!!! You are such a wonderful mom, I look at the love you have for Ayla and it just makes me smile. She is the sweetest girl with such great personality. I look up to how much patience you have, watching you with Tanner sometimes when we are hanging out I learn so much from the way you handle things. Me I just end up yelling at the poor guys. You are such a great mom, wife and "B" friend. Hope you have a great day!!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! Love ya!!!

  3. Yeah- You are a great friend (and mom), too! Funny story: Today Ty drew a picture for me for Mother's Day in Primary... It was a picture of Him and Lyt having a picnic in your backyard. Way cute! He misses her! You should bring her when you come visit in a few weeks! We love you guys- Happy Mother's Day!!

  4. Ooooh! That is so cute! I love that little guy! I can't believe that he and Lit remember each other so well! Lit came over to your parents house the other day when we were watching the Jazz game and she was all confussed cause she thought it was Ty's house.

  5. Wow Lace - I looked at this photo and though cool T's Family and didn't even recognize you and Ayz in it! Little Ayz is SOOOO little! I miss them being so little and scrunchy!
