Monday, November 26, 2007

It took me a lot longer than it should have but I finally finished this book! I usually don't feel I have the time to read, but I made the exception for this one and would get up early to read uninterupted or read a paragraph or two through out the day. For those of you who know Julianna Taylor this was written by her husband. His first wife (Krista) took her own life when she was 7 months pregnant, the baby lived for 9 days. The first few chapters were so hard to get through, reading through tears and really not wanting to read any more, but at the same time making me so grateful for my husband and my sweet little girl. That we have been able to know her and watch her grow and learn is such a huge blessing one that I hope to never take for granted, and hoping the same for the sweet little girl growing inside me. It really is an amazing story that gives you a fresh perspective on life. Although the first few chapters are extremely painful, I still would come away feeling uplifted and so grateful for my loved ones.
I'm linking the author's website you can buy the book there at a discounted price and you can also read the first chapter if you are interested. I really recommend it. I think we get so caught up in our own lives sometimes we don't even realize some of the things other people are going through. I'm thankful for the trials I have that make me stronger and although some seem big at times, they pale in comparison to what this man had to go through.

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