Friday, March 6, 2009

He's HIRED!!!!

Last Thursday Tony sent his resume to a company called Fluid Power Safety Institute a long with a few other companies, then we went to Salt Lake to pass out some more resumes. When we got home Tony checked his e-mail and had a message from the owner of this company that said he needed to meet with him. So Tony immediately called him back and Mr. M wanted to meet with him right away. So Tony headed straight over there, he spent about three hours talking with Mr. M and touring the building and meeting the other ten employees. He went back the next day to meet one person he hadn't met and spent another hour there. Mr. M told him he was so impressed with Tony's resume and his experience and he was definately the guy that he wanted, but he had to work out some details. Tony talked to him several times on the phone through out the week expecting a formal job offer, each time he was told he was definately the guy but he had to work somethings out. Finally this morning at 11 o'clock Mr. M said "You're HIRED!"

We are so excited about this! It's a small company that's been extremely successful for 25 years. They do hydrolics (How excited is Tony about this?) and they want to branch out into electro-hydrolics, which is why they want Tony! He will basically supervise the crew and design and impliment electronics into their systems. This will be really exciting, fun, and a great challenge for Tony. I really don't think I could think of a better opportunity for him, I think he's going to love it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a list a mile long of things I told myself I was going to buy when Tony got a job.


  1. Yeah! I am so excited for you guys. I am sure it is such a relief. Congratulations!

  2. I know the feelings! It seems that both our husbands really lucked out by finding jobs that could possibly prove better in the long run!! Yay shopping again!!

  3. I am very impressed in the effort you guys have put into finding another job! Lots of people probably sit back and look online a little and hope a job just comes their way! You guys sound like it's been a high priority/almost another job to find a new one. That's great! That's wonderful he got hired on and he'll enjoy it! Congrats!

  4. Yeah that is so awesome, congrats you guys.

  5. yeah!! now if only that shopping list a mile long was stuff that was more fun (like clothes) i would join you...i'm not in the mood to shop for pickles, ketchup, and diapers! but hey congrats i know how stressful a pickle free home can be!

  6. Yeah Tony! Congrats on the new job and the exciting job resonsibilities!
    -Doug & Alison Ostler

  7. How awesome for Tony! We like everybody else are so happy for you guys. You deserve this. Again we are so happy for you guys and hope the job is amazing.

  8. Congratulations! Your family has been in my thoughts since Tony started looking! :)

  9. Congrats Toni!!! That's great news!! Enjoy it and work hard... Most of all keep smiling and take care of all your girls!
    Love you guys!

  10. That is great! Yippeee! What a relief for you guys I'm sure. How's that list coming??$$$

  11. Congrats Goddard family! I am so happy for you.

  12. This is the best news ever! Seriously, I am smiling and smiling. Congrats to you for getting to buy stuff, and to Tony for finding such a wonderful job doing something that he will enjoy doing! Best of both worlds.

  13. Congratulations! What a blessing! I'm so happy for you guys!
