Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Cole Family Goes To Temple Square

December 23rd we went to Temple Square with my family. It was really fun! The girls loved the lights, Tayvie was grawling at them- which means she liked them. Then we saw this:
How fun is that! I know it is not that rare to see a proposal at temple square but I thought this was really cute! So I waited until the moment was over then caught up to them and got their e-mail address so I could send them these pictures. I wish that someone had been spying on Tony and I when we got engaged so we could have actual pictures of it!
Then we went to our traditional Denny's dinner:


  1. Oh my heck, I just LOVE the Cole family!!! It's fun to see the pics of everyone :)
    and you got some pretty amazing pictures of the temple!!! I hope you don't mind if I steal them from your blog.
    How neat that you got pics of the couple getting engaged too- that's so neat....what a fun tradition

  2. this was such a fun night!
    i wish someone were spying on us too when we got engaged, but that would have been pretty awkward...i would take em to court for trespassing on private property!!

  3. Looks like you had a great time! :) And to catch the proposal at that moment was priceless for them I am sure! I bet they were pretty happy that you took those pictures for them without them knowing it! :) Great Job!

  4. wow Lac AWESOME pictures.....and how freakin cool that you got the proposal moment!!!!
    The pics of Tayvie and Ayla in there hats are just ADORABLE!!!!! Love them...I need to take some pic of sweet grace in hers!!!! Hope you had a good new year!!!! Love ya!!!!

  5. Those pictures are great, I felt like I was actually there. I am jealous you got to go down there. This is the first year ever that we didn't make it there.

  6. That is so sweet that you took pictures of them and sent them copies. That would have been awesome to have. They are so lucky you were there. I wish we make it up to temple square while we were there, but it just didn't work out. Thanks for sharing your photos.
