Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday Morning Patty Cake

Tayvie is crazy about "Patty Cake" right now. She is so funny! If she hears you say the words she immediately starts clapping (unless I'm trying to show her off to some one). And Ayla is such a good big sister, she loves playing with Tayvie, she's always up for a round of "Patty Cake."

We went to a cabin over the weekend with the Young Women in our ward and Little Miss Tayve started walking!!! She has been standing on her own but hasn't dared to move her feet unless she's holding on to something, but at the cabin she was taking 5 and 6 good little steps! I can not believe she is going to be a year in only about a month!!! She's still my little baby! It's so unreal...

Then there's the big sis. Ayla is such a little person! She is so smart, I feel like there is nothing she can't do. And talk about unreal- she is going to be THREE on Saturday! Every morning she asks me what day today is, and what we're going to do. She likes to have a plan- just like her mom! (She's standing here telling me to write that, she also wants me to clarify that she will be 3 "on my birfday") Awww, I don't know when she got so big either!


  1. I can't believe she is walking..she is getting so big!

  2. Tayvie looks so big just standing there...HOLY COW!!!! how freakin cute!!!!

  3. love these little twiners!! they are so fun!

  4. YAY TAYVIE!! Next step- RUNNING! BTW- cute pics- I love the sippy cup one. Love you guys!

  5. They are getting so big! They look so adorable in those dresses. I hope everything is going okay with you and your family! We should plan a trip to the Zoo in the Spring with Trina and Sarah! What do you think?

  6. I love Ayla's hair! Can you believe the height difference right now! Ayla looks so tall and grown up and Tayvie looks so tiny! Happy birthday on Saturday Ayla! I will be three on Saturday too! ;) lol

  7. The dresses are TDF...did you make them? Perfection, and that last little photo! Look at them! Love these sisters. I too can't believe Tay is almost one...where did that YEAR go?! Congrats that she is walking, she looks so grown up standing there on her own. Love these pretty little girls.
