Thursday, January 8, 2009

Guess Who's Having The Best Week Ever!

It's me.

...and yeah, I am being sarcastic. It's the kind of week where you just have to laugh cause everything is going wrong-wrong-wrong-wrong. Or so it seems, maybe everything is going right, everything works out in the end so it will probably work out better when it's all said and done, let's hope for that!

Tony called yesterday morning and told me he was coming home, he lost his job. We have been so happy at Semitool, that company has definately taken care of us, but it is time for a change and I'm sure it will be a good one. I will definatley miss the trips to Kalispell though! So we are looking for a new job! Tony has his degree in Electronic Engineering, he's been working as an Electronic Technician or a Field Engineer. We thought we would put this out there incase anyone has any little leads, we would greatly appreciate them! We're kind of excited right now to start something new and maybe a little more permanent. We're not scared yet cause we know we're going to be okay whatever happens.


  1. we've been down taht road a few times, it's a tough one, but always, like you said, turns out okay in the end (usually even better). My brother-in-law is an electrician...I don't know if that is the same thing :) but if you want his number....
    Good luck with everything!! I'll be praying for you guys...hopefully it can happen soon for you.

  2. Poo! That sucks! He could go work up at Solitude with Shawn and ski for free! That's what Shawn's doing right now after he lost his job. Unfortunately this boat is getting bigger and bigger of people losing their jobs! Hopefully everything will turn around soon! Good luck!

  3. We are having one of those weeks/months too. We are just loading up the car to drive all the way back to California (we just got back on Saturday) today for Spencer's grandma's funeral. We still don't know anything about the house, roman and I are both sick, Spencer changed jobs yesterday, oh good times. I know that when it all settles it will be worth it and like you said hopefully better than before. I called a few people who are going to put some feelers out and if I hear anything on jobs I'll let you know.

  4. Oh, good luck! Our prayers are with you. By the way, I loved your Temple Square pictures, you got some amazing shots!

  5. ha ha ha look at that silly little girl!! she is still cute crying!
    you will weather this well, and end up on top for sure! can't wait to see where the "top" is though! for now though just know i'm all set to help ya out with anything! ~hugs~

  6. We hope all works out well for you guys. Maybe you could go to Casper and we would see ya there. Let us know if you guys need anything.

  7. Lacie I've been endlessly thinking about you and hope you are holding up okay!! We're definitely praying for you guys- and I'm searching (and secretly hoping) to find him a job around here.

  8. Lacie,

    I am so sorry. My Dad has been out of work since just before Thanksgiving. Things happen for a reason, I hope and pray that everything works out for your family. I know it will. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you! :) I miss you!

  9. Hey Lace, sorry to hear about your hard times right now. Good luck with the job hunt. My brother just got laid off too. It's tough right now. He is an electrician so maybe he could get in contact with Crista's brother-in-law. :) Hang in there.

  10. I am so sorry to hear about Tony. I am sure something great will come along soon. You are definitely in our prayers.

  11. I am SUPER sorry to hear this Lace! I will keep your little family in my prayers! I know Father will bless you with something ten times as wonderful. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you PLEASE!
