Monday, January 21, 2008

The Butterfly Room

I should wait until the room is finished but I thought I'd show you now what it's looking like. I think for now it's probably going to be Ayla's room and then once Tayvie is ready for a big girl bed she'll move in the pink room too. I LOVE Ayla's current room and it's hard for me to move her out of there, but it's just too small. It will work much better as a nursery. Ayla's really excited about the butterfly room. She goes in there to check on it several times a day. Twice last week she yelled for me to help her cause she was trying to move her bed in there! Everytime we go in she explains where daddy painted where mommy painted and where Ayla painted, and points out all of the butterflies! She also goes around to each butterfly, gets real close and says "hewo bubberfy, whatta doin?"
The painting hanging on the wall is completely by Ayla... my talented little artist!

It's funny, the room is nothing like I had envisioned at all, but I like it. I think it is turning out really cute and it will be a fun room for the girls. Hopefully we can just get the finishing touches all done real soon so we can move Ayla's stuff and then we'll have room to get the baby stuff out!


  1. I love it!!!! Doodlebug butterflies will look so dang cute in there.

  2. Can I come live in the pink room. I don't take much room.

  3. WOW- Looks great!! Can you send some of that talent my way??? I'll even take Ayla's talent!!

  4. I don't do paint, or decorating. I admire your ability to "see" and to make happen. I'm sure Ayla will adore her new room! Not too much longer now huh?

  5. Dawslyn Kay AND Aspen LeeJanuary 23, 2008 at 12:15 PM

    I LOVE it!!! I love pink!! Ayla is so luckey!!!

  6. I want her room! Such a perfect color for two sweet girls! My mom got roses that color the other day-I loved them! I love her painting! She did a great job! ape
