Thursday, January 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Ayla Dell!!!

Two years ago today at 11:45 am this beautiful little angel came into this world changing my world completely. Such an amazing wonderful change it has been. I love every minute with this little girl, even the frustraiting moments make me laugh inside to realize that I am getting to experience all of this. I can't believe it has been two years already, I think about that day daily and what an amazing day it was. Ayla has grown and changed and learned so much but she is still that same little girl that looked into our eyes two years ago. She had traits then that she still has now. She has always been strong willed, knowing exactly what she wants and determined to get it. She's growing so much, I love that she can talk to me, that we have converstations. I love her sweetness. She melts my heart everytime she says "thank you mommy." I love her hugs and kisses and high fives, I can't get enough. I love the little games she plays and her little imagination. I love her laugh and her happiness. I love every second spent with her and wouldn't trade it for the world. What a wonderful gift she is to me.

Happy Birthday Little Girl! I love you!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYZ!!! We love you! Uncle Kregg, Aunt Julie, Ty, Karson, and Mary


  3. she was so fun to talk to this morning... i love how she has grown. it is so strange i still think of her as a baby, hard to believe that she really is alredy 2! sweetness!

  4. Happy Birthday! I can't believe how grown up she looks in that last photograph.

  5. Two years really goes by fast. I hope you had a great Birthday Ayla!
    You are such a sweet heart!

  6. 2 already! :) I can't believe how fast the time goes by! Happy Belated Birthday Ayla! :)

  7. I just can't believe that she is 2 already. She is such a doll, and is going to be such a great big sister! Hope you guys had a great day and she had a very Happy Birthday!

  8. What a cutie. And so big! She's gonna be the best big sister ever.

  9. Happy birthday Ayla! I love your relationship with her! It seems like you guys are best friends and that's so cute! It was good to see you! April
