Friday, January 18, 2008


I keep forgetting to post my doctor appointment updates.
I was just thinking about how neat it is that Ayla gets to come along and see her little sister in my tummy. It's something she's always excited about and I think it helps her understand it a little more. We talk about the baby coming out of my tummy all of the time. She shows me Tayvie's clothes and she even shows me where Tayvie's going to sleep. We don't even have the room set up yet she just points to the floor and shows me that's where Ayla's bed will go and then she'll point next to it and tell me that's where Tay-tay will go nite-nite. She loves to lay her head on my tummy so she can lay by Tay-tay, the other night Tayvie had the hiccups and Ayla was so excited to feel her moving in there and then she pretended to have the hiccups too. She also puts her face right up against my tummy and says "wahhh, wahhh" and tells me Tay-tay is crying. She already loves her baby sister!

So yesterday was our appointment (36 weeks). Everything went well. Everything looked good. Tayvie was happy and healthy. Can't ask for more than that. We were supposed to go to a snowed in cabin this weekend with my Young Women's group, but the Doctor said it was an unneccessary risk and didn't think it would be a good idea. I believe his words were: "Why the *#@^ would you do that?!?" So here I am at home, but they still needed Tony's help so he's up there havin' some fun. It's funny to think I'm getting that close, that I have to worry about stuff like that! My next appointment is Tuesday the 29th and then I only have 2 weeks from then... WOW!


  1. Yay! So soon! I love that butterfly picture! What is it on? A blanket? A wall? A picture? Your doctor sounds cool-good advice! Ayla will be so cute with her tiny new sister! So excited! April

  2. I was just thinking today how close you are... I can't beleive in 3 weeks you will have another little of four. It is amazing....Can't wait to see Tayvie. Ayla will be such a good big sister!!!!
