Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Hopscotch Hottie!
da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da...ya say it's your birthday....It's my birthday too yeah!...
This is my favorite gift! This is something each member of my family totally looks forward too: Where will crazy grandma hide the money?!!!
She usually gives us a couple pieces of candy and the money is usually wrapped in tinfoil or taped to string in a tick tack box or attached to the lid of something. As you can see for me this year it was wrapped in tinfoil and taped to the smarties... not both of the tinfoil smarties had money just the one, see she's a tricky one! $10 my favorite kind of gift card!
I have to thank you all again for your phone calls and birthday wishes and special things you did for me... probably the only gift better than the hidden tinfoil money is all the love from all of you!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tayvie Time
I've said it before and I'll say it again (and again, and again...) she is such a sweet baby. I just love every second with her!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Little Piece of Heaven
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
A Day In The Life of A Princess
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
She helped with everything. Cutting up the olives (with the egg slicer- not a knife). Rolling out the tortillas. Putting the cheese on. She was there every step of the way.
Three Months
Look how much she has GROWN!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Like Father, Like Daughter
This morning we were sitting at breakfast and Ayla suddenly looks over at me and says "I wove you!... high-five mommy!!!" As my hand is covered in ketchup transfered from her hand, I realize they express their love in the same way! :) High- Five Everyone!
Friday, May 9, 2008
All Things Archuleta
"My blue eyes not working..."
"I can't open my blue eyes!"
"I like David Archuleta Singing"
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I Swinging With Taybie!
ME: "ooh, I took it off."
Then this is what I walked in on yesterday "Mommy, I swinging with Taybie!!!"
Actually, these two had a tun of fun playing together yesterday. Tayvie's face would just light up the second she saw Ayla. She did a lot of grinning, and squealing, and talking to her all day. And Ayla was helping her roll over (which was hillarious), tickling her feet with her own feet, playing ring-around-the-rosies with her (just holding her hands and singing it). She just played with her all day long. Ayla was just cracking me up all day with the things she says and does. Then later last night Tayvie was fussing and then quieted down, when I walked in the room I discovered it was because Ayla was sitting right next to her with her finger in Tayvie's mouth. Tayvie was just laying there staring up at her all content. They are both so sweet. I love so much to watch them interact with each other, you can just see the love from each of them. I love that Tayvie knows who Ayla is and grins when she sees her, she gets so excited! And I love to watch Ayla "take care" of her little sister, and tell me what Tayvie wants or needs. I love to hear her say "I wove my sister Taybie!" They are so fun!