Monday, May 5, 2008

She's Married Now!

She's married now!
These are my sister Marci's bridal photos. We had a lot of fun doing these! She asked Trina & me to do her bridals the day before I left for Montana. That was a fun day! We ended up with about 1000 pictures so these are just a few of my favorites. She was really happy with them (I'm glad she doesn't know any better... he! he!)!


  1. So gorgeous! Congrats Marci! I wish I coulda been there to see her. Great job on the pics Lace!

  2. The pics are great. I really like her dress too. You are an amazing photographer.

  3. You did such a great job with the bridals! Kinda makes it a little easier when you have someone as gorgeous as Marci posing!!!

  4. These turned out fantastic. Marci looks amazing. I feel so bad I missed the big day but so fun to relive it through all of these photos. Smokin' darling! Beautiful.

  5. You did a great job on the pictures. They look great.

  6. All of those pictures were amazing! I wish I could have had someone like you at my wedding taking pictures. We didn't turn out having so great of a photographer...guess it's the memories that count, right.

  7. Good job on those pictures! I think they look fantastic! Marci is lucky that you are such a great photographer!

  8. Beautiful pics, beautiful bride! It was great, no it was wonderful to see you, and glad you survived the day!

  9. You too did a great job...we should go into business together. Seriously I feel like I have my own business lately with all the bookings....Marci Bridals, Wedding, and then Cyntheas birthday!!!! I had so much fun even though I was really nervous, but I would do it again in a heart beat. I wish we had us when we got married LOL :-) Your family is great too...Love every single on of you. It was such a fun experiance and I feel even closer to your family now!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!

  10. Wow they look great! It's such a good thing to have a photo shoot with people you're already comfortable with....makes it SO much easier on everyone :)

  11. What a pretty place to get pictures taken! Good job!

  12. yeah for photo shop!! you and trina totally rock!
