Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Hopscotch Hottie!

Memorial Day 2008: Annie proclaims herself to be the Hopscotch Hottie.

Apparently she won a hop-scotch tournament when she was in elementary... Well. Elementary was a long time ago SISTA!

Coincidentally, my grandma has a hopscotch court. The challenge was made and the game was on. Spectators gathered. It was quite intense! (I'm not joking, it really was... there are a lot of rules to hopscotch!) Austin played the part of the line judge.
The Hopscotch Hottie, although self proclaimed, certainly lived up to her title. She was tossing and hopping with great accuracy, it looked ominous for me as she was nearing the end of each set. I was struggling. It seemed every call in the book was made on me from tossing line fouls to double feet dismounts... but I knew I still had a shot, the game wasn't over yet!
As Annie was approaching her last set, I was behind by three. But due to a few hoppy taw sliding errors. I quickly caught up and victory was mine!

Earning me the title of Reigning Hopscotch Champ! Whahoo!


  1. LOL! That is the funniest thing I have seen all day. Austin the line judge! You guys crack me up! I was pretty good at hopscotch in my day- I could take ya on :)

  2. what a rockin time!! look at austin he is so into it!! you had us all on pins and needles!

  3. Congrats Lace! I would have loved to see it!

  4. I love this play by play! LOVE IT.

  5. That's the coolest thing ever. You need to teach me your tricks, and the rules I guess too.

  6. That is a very very important title to hold. I am so proud to be your friend :) That makes me almost famous!
