Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Three Months

Hard to believe that my little
Tayvie Noon
is three months old today!

What a fun and wonderful three months it has been!

Look how much she has GROWN!!!


  1. So cute! I think she totally looks like her daddy!

  2. how funny she even posed the same way for you!! she is so CUTE! I need to come see you guys, it's been too 4 days! gasp

  3. It just kills me how much they change when they are that little. She is adoreable

  4. I can't believe she's 3 months old! I'm losing valuable time with her. It's so depressing! Is her hair turning a little reddish??

  5. Oh my heck...I love this post more than anything. She hardly has changed. Just kidding...but kinda...still the same cute girl. Love the photos.

  6. They grow up so fast, but she is so adorable!! You have such a cute family. It has been a long time since we have seen you in Wal-Mart, we should get our families together sometime.
