Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy 1/2 Birthday Tayvie Noon!!!

Tayvie is 6 months old today!
It is so amazing to watch her learn and grow! I watched her this morning getting up on her knees and getting herself around. She moves so fast! At this rate she will be REALLY crawling, really soon! AHHH! She has started sitting up on her own for a few minutes at a time. It seems like everyday she learns so much more and starts doing all of these fun things even better! She still is as sweet as can be. It melts my heart when she stretches her arms up to me and says "mama, mama."
I can't look at her with out smiling.
She definately is my little Valentine's Sweetheart!
Happy 1/2 birthday baby girl!!!
I love you so much!


  1. She is so gorgeous Lace! I'm loving the colors in these pictures! Very vibrant!

    Love ya!

  2. Happy 6 months Tayvie! Has it been that long? She's such a cutie!

  3. That is one bright chair, and some bright eyes too. So cute!

  4. Oh, that was a super fast six months! She is beautiful. Honestly, and your pictures that you take are amazing. thanks for your sweet comments on my blog, we simply must get together soon. What is your week like next week?
