Monday, August 4, 2008

No One Likes A Frowny Face!

I wish I could remember all of these things that make me laugh during the day!

The day of these pictures we were playing in the front room and all of the sudden Ayla said "I want my panties hat!" So she runs upstairs and comes back with her panties on her head!

Yesterday I was talking to her about something she shouldn't do and she was looking in my eyes like she was listening but then all of the sudden started singing "no one likes a frowny face, change it for a smile..."

I'm still laughing about that one...what a sweet little goofball!


  1. awful hard to lay down the law when she is so dang cute!
    wonder wear she learned the panties hat?? i'm worried about what goes on in your household!! ~grin~

  2. sooo cute!!!! I am laughing hystarically(spelling???) She is so dang cute!!!!!

  3. Emmy just said, "That's silly!" "She has her underwear on her head!"
