Sunday, August 31, 2008

Just One For Now

Yesterday we took about a trillion pictures... not just of us, but of all our Goddard family (and when I say a trillion I mean just over 500). I think it was fun, and I think we got a whole bunch of good pictures, I'm so excited to go through them! If you know me, there really isn't too much that I find more exciting than having a new picture full of loved ones to display in my living room! stay tuned, I'm sure I'll be posting a few of them. I bet you're excited!

***Thanks to Marci for maning the cameras for me, although I could have used the excersize of running back and forth with the timer and the tripod, but we got many, many more pictures this way and you did an amazing job with all of us, so thank you!***


  1. Oh I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures! That one is very cute!

  2. Ohh I can't wait until you guys take my family pretty!!! Love it

  3. You have a very beautiful family! Tony, I like your hair buzzed, it looks good!

  4. Yeah- thanks Marci! They all turned out really great!

  5. i've been ruined...i knew it was only a matter of time, but i can't stop thinking about those amazing cameras. they make even me seem a bit talented!! ~sigh~ one day when you out grow yours i would like to inherit it! deal?
    the subjects were freaking amazing too...i hope you are finding a lot that you love!

  6. How fun! See, that is why I have asked you to take some family pics of my little family....I can't wait!!!

  7. Squee, I can't wait to see them ALL...I am a sucker for case you didn't know. Also, love that is one of my faves. You look stunning. Love your hair.
