Monday, August 25, 2008

If Your Name Starts With T Raise Your Hand!

These are my Tony and my Tayvie playing on the grass Saturday night.

If you happen to work at Doodlebug and may be working on putting a catalog together make a special note of that beautiful little sweet face sporting Doodlebug product on her headband :) .

Saturday morning I 'trimmed' Tony's hair. It looked so handsome, and then of course as I was trying to even up the opposite side, I cut way too deep and way to high! Ooops! So I cut it all off, good thing he still looks so handsome with out any hair. :)


  1. looks like she is a regular doodlebug model...following in her sister's footsteps!! can't wait to put her adorable face on everything i create!!

  2. What happened to the purple page? I thought purple was your thing. Tayvie has the most brilliant blue eyes. I love them.

  3. Glad that your husband is back and safe. I love Tayvie's headband...does she keep them in good? I wish that Raegan would, but those days are over. GREAT!!! You want to be our photographer! I was thinking of having them taken at Gardner Village at the beginning of October. You pick the day that will work the best for you and we will work from that. Thanks so much!

  4. I was going to ask what inspired the buzz cut. I love your pictures. Tayvie is too cute! If I ever have a girl you will have to help me make cute girlie headbands!

  5. OH ME OH ME mine starts with a "T"....Cute pictures!!! Welcome back tony!!!!

  6. Cute page lace, how cute is your family!!!

  7. I like the new layout of your blog. Wow Tony no hair, last year Reid tried to cut his hair and it ended up looking the same. Good thing hair grows back huh :)
    Laci your kids just keep getting cuter each day.

  8. Lacie!
    Hello-I was skipping around from blog to blog and found yours! It's so cute! My blog is I was going to put your link on mine if that's okay. It's so fun to see your cute pictures of your beautiful girls!

  9. Wow! You can see alot of Tony in Tayvie. Father daughter pictures are so cute.

  10. Yay for daddies being home! Tayvie is looking so grown up! She is so so sweet, must run in the family. I have yet to meet a female member of the cole family who isn't :)
