Monday, December 15, 2008

Monkey See Monkey Do... Tayvie See Tayvie Too!

I mentioned how much Tayvie loves climbing... maybe this is where she gets it from:

The other day Ayla came into my room as we're getting ready for bed and says "Mom come see what I can do!" So I followed her into her room and this is what she shows me.

So then not two seconds behind her is the Tayve watching her sis and trying the same thing!

You're both little goofs, but you Ayla Dell are the reigning Queen. :)


  1. Oh all the wonderful tricks that the older ones can teach the younger ones! :D

  2. Your girls are growing up so fast! They are adorable! Aren't they just so much fun!!! :)

  3. Oh boy, it's beginning! The copying! Just wait till she starts trying to jump down the stairs like big sister! Aah!

  4. Look at Tays hair! They are getting so big and Ayla's hair so long! What beautiful ladies you have.

  5. yep ayz is so the queen of your house hold...i need to come squeeze her cheeks soon!!!
