Monday, December 15, 2008

Ten Month Old Tayvie

Tayvie is now officially 10 months old! Look at that sweet face!So the Tayve has this toy that she pulls herself up on and it sings little boppity songs when she plays with the toys on the top. She is so AFRAID of it!!! She'll climb up and start to play but as soon as it starts to sing she runs away and sits down. It has little balls that swirl and make noise I think that's the main thing she's afraid of.
She still plays with it though- silly girl!(Her little scared face)
This is the part where I tell you (as always) what a sweet girl Tayvie-Tayve is and all the fun things she is doing!

Oooh! I love to kiss those soft little checks!

10 months is so fun! Tayvie is just full of smiles. She can be sad one minute and the next, give the happiest grin you've ever seen! She is at that fun climbing stage, and she is determined to master it! She climbs everything in sight. She pulls herself up and walks around furniture and walls, and she even stands on her own for about 20 seconds or so. She'll even walk around if she's pushing something.

Her sweet little jabbering sounds are my FAVORITE right now. 'tah, tah, tah' real soft like she's wispering, and then there's the grawling like a bear- so cute. She use to just holler "AY-YA" but now she wispers it over and over "ay-ya, ay-ya, ay-ya" while she's playing with Ayla's hair so softly like she's trying to wake her up.

She gives the best loves. I love that great big sweet smile on her face right before she cuddles in to give me the best hug ever. She likes to play with my eyelashes, she likes baby dolls, and her favorite toy is a little toy that plays piano music, she goes straight for it and dances when it sings.

At her doctor appointment the other day she weighed 16 lbs... so baby girl has got to gain 4 lbs in the next two months so she can go forward facing in her carseat!

We are so looking forward to Christmas this year, Tayvie's at such a fun stage she will love ripping the wrapping paper!


  1. So cute! Tayvie is getting so big and becoming her own little person. Good luck gaining the weight! Our little 5 month old was 16 lbs. 2 oz. at his appointment last week. All those nighttime feedings are helping him to pack on the pounds! Of course they are not helping me to get any sleep!

  2. The girls are so cute. Chrismas is going to be so fun for you guys.

  3. I'm glad to see she's feeling better! I still think she looks like Ayla did when she was little! I just see Ayla...then when I see her now I think no not as much but when she was little... So cute how she is so sweet with her sister! Such a special relationship! I love how the little one looks up to big sis so much!

  4. Where on earth has the time gone? 10 months? Crazy. She is such a tiny sweet little thing. I miss her!

  5. she is so tall like her daddy and skinny like her mommy...not that tony is fat, but he has been packing on the pounds lately!! ~grin~ ha teasing like that string bean could ever be considered chubby!!! ya so back to tayvers, she is too cute!! so glad she is feeling better, now if she could just get over those teeth!!

  6. Cute cute cute!!! I miss them both so much it's killin' me!!!

  7. So cute!!! love your girls!!!! Love the new posts... I really need to do a post just on my gracie so i can remember her progress...she says so many words I don't want to forget!!!!!

